Andy Cohen Reveals ‘Pump Rules’ Season 8 Reunion Taped: It’s ‘Really Good’



Raise your glasses high — to the camera on your computer. Andy Cohen confirmed he hosted a virtual reunion with the cast of Vanderpump Rules.

“I taped the Vanderpump Rules reunion on Thursday,” the 51-year-old host dished on SiriusXM’s Radio Andy on Monday, May 4.

Andy Cohen Confirms Pump Rules Season 8 Was Filmed
Andy Cohen Jason Mendez/Invision/AP/Shutterstock

While Cohen admitted he was distracted toward the end of the taping as he knew his close pal Anderson Cooper was set to announce the birth of son Wyatt on CNN on Thursday, April 30, he assured listeners that the virtual taping went well.

“It was a great reunion,” he said. “Really good.”

Stassi Schroeder previously confirmed on her “Straight Up With Stassi” podcast that the reunion was supposed to tape on April 3.

“The reunion is the worst day of the year. I dread it. … It’s a f—king 14-hour day,” the 31-year-old reality star quipped at the time. “You have to get there at 7 in the morning and you normally don’t leave until 10 p.m. It’s all day of just rehashing s—t. … We have, like, two or three dressing rooms that we’re all stuffed in. It’s basically, like, choosing who you want to hang out with. I, like, claim a room and so it’s like, if somebody walks into a room that I’ve been hanging out in, it’s kind of like, ‘Why are you here?’”

While Cohen didn’t get into specifics on Monday, fans are hoping to get answers on Stassi’s current status with former bestie Kristen Doute at the reunion. The Next Level Basic author and Katie Maloney have been on the outs with Kristen, 37, during season 8 as the T-shirt designer navigated her breakup with Brian Carter.

“I can understand the taxing relationship that Carter and I had, or maybe the toxicity of that was draining on them or frustrating for them,” Kristen recently said on the “We Met At Acme” podcast. “I don’t see that as a reason to just come apart and break up a 10-year friendship.”

Andy Cohen Confirms Pump Rules Season 8 Was Filmed
Vanderpump Rules Bravo

Stassi and Katie, meanwhile, have maintained that their issues with Kristen are less about Carter and more about how the James Mae CEO made them look on the series.

“It became really difficult when she would defend him so aggressively to us on camera but then off-camera, it was a very different situation. She still wanted to have these heart—to—hearts and a shoulder to cry on and we would still obviously offer that to her because she was our best friend and we still were supportive of her,” Katie, 33, said on “Straight Up With Stassi” on April 24. “But then, the next time we talked about it on camera, it was the same thing again where she would be aggressively defending him and coming after us and treating us like we were horrible friends for putting her in this position, the position she had put herself in.”

Bravo previously announced virtual reunions for season 4 of Summer House and season 12 of The Real Housewives of Atlanta.

Vanderpump Rules airs on Bravo Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET.

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