Andy Cohen: Anderson Cooper Has Opened Up ‘in New Ways’ Since Becoming Dad



New dad, new man! Andy Cohen gushed about how fatherhood has already changed Anderson Cooper after he welcomed his son, Wyatt.

“I already see Anderson light up and open up in new ways,” the Watch What Happens Live With Andy Cohen host, 51, said during Radio Andy on Monday, May 4. “Like all homes that welcome a baby, his home is now full of the music of new life and family. … You have to jump through a lot of hoops to have a baby as a gay man. He went through a lot and I’m just so happy his son is so beautiful and happy and healthy.”

The CNN anchor, 52, announced his baby boy’s arrival on Thursday, April 30, saying on CNN Town Hall: “On Monday, I became a father. I never actually said that before out loud and it still kind of astonishes me. I’m a dad. I have a son and I want you to meet him.”

Anderson Cooper and Son Wyatt Cooper
Anderson Cooper and son Wyatt Cooper. Courtesy of Anderson Cooper/Instagram

Cohen welcomed his son, Benjamin, now 15 months, via surrogate in February 2019 and is “excited” for him and Wyatt to grow up together.

“It’s a great age difference for them to be pals — only one year,” the Most Talkative author explained on Monday. “And, it was fun over this past year for Anderson to come over and for me to watch him with Ben and know that this would be his thing. He was obviously paying attention to a lot and it’s just great.”

The Missouri native added, “His visits with Ben have taken on a special significance since we both knew for a while that Anderson was planning on doing this himself.”

Andy Cohen Says Anderson Cooper Has Opened Up Since Becoming a Dad
Andy Cohen and Anderson Cooper attend the Ralph Lauren show, Spring Summer 2019 during New York Fashion Week on September 7, 2018 in New York City. Gregory Pace/Shutterstock

Now that Wyatt has arrived, Cohen has passed his nanny off to Cooper. “We had long planned this transition, but I certainly didn’t expect it to happen during a quarantine,” the Bravo personality said. “So we had to handle this hand-off from one home to the next very carefully. She is now with Anderson and I know she’s going to get Wyatt on a great sleep schedule just like she got Ben. I’m so happy for Anderson.”

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