Amazon Reviewers Say This Is the Best Tanning Product They Have Ever Used



Self-tanning isn’t the most forgiving process. It can be messy, it’s tedious and things can go wrong at the drop of a hat. If you forget to put lotion on your elbows, for example, it becomes very apparent that your sun-kissed glow is totally fake. We’re also prone to streaking or missing a spot — resulting in an unsightly and uneven tan.

And of course, not properly cleansing your hands after applying certain products can lead to stains on clothing and furniture. Luckily, we can all avoid these common issues with the help of Tan Towel. Some Amazon shoppers even claim it’s the best self-tanning product that they have ever tried!

Tan Towel Face Tan, 15 Count
Tan Towel Face Tan, 15 Count Amazon

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Get the Tan Towel Face Tan, 15 Count with free shipping for just $30, available at Amazon! Get it as soon as April 23, 2020. Please note, prices are accurate at the date of publication, April 20, 2020, but are subject to change.

Tan Towel is remarkable because you simply don’t have to transfer any product onto a tanning mitt or similar device. The self-tanner is already deposited on a towelette, which is individually wrapped and ready to use. All you have to do is swipe this towelette in a circular motion over the desired area, and you’re all set! The one rule? Make sure to apply it over clean, dry skin. If you want to get a deeper tan, repeat this process four hours after your initial application. You should start to see a healthy glow develop in about two to four hours, and your full tan will completely appear over the next 24 hours.

Tan Towel Face Tan, 15 Count
Tan Towel Face Tan, 15 Count Amazon

See it!

Get the Tan Towel Face Tan, 15 Count with free shipping for just $30, available at Amazon! Get it as soon as April 23, 2020. Please note, prices are accurate at the date of publication, April 20, 2020, but are subject to change.

Tan Towel created this product for the face as well, so every inch of your body can benefit! Additionally, it’s designed to be streak-free, which is a huge bonus. When using other topical products like mousses and lotions, the application process has to be incredibly meticulous in order to avoid imperfections. Thankfully, Tan Towel makes this easier than ever. Many feel more confident with a tan complexion, and this may be the way to get that glow without stepping foot in the sun!

See it: Get the Tan Towel Face Tan, 15 Count with free shipping for just $30, available at Amazon! Get it as soon as April 23, 2020. Please note, prices are accurate at the date of publication, April 20, 2020, but are subject to change.

Not what you’re looking for? Check out products from Tan Towel and shop all of the beauty and personal care available on Amazon here! Don’t forget to check out all of Amazon’s Daily Deals here!

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