Amanda Stanton Reveals the Surprising ‘Bachelor’ Ex She’s Still in Touch With



A trip down memory lane! Amanda Stanton got real about her Bachelor Nation exes on Us Weekly’s “Here for the Right Reasons” podcast.

“I was talking to Jen Saviano. We think, as far as we know, we are the only two single people left from our season,” the 30-year-old explains on the Tuesday, April 21, episode. “Everyone is either married, has a boyfriend or is engaged. Even people, like, that were sent home earlier on in our season. … It’s literally just me and Jen!”

Ben Higgins, for his part, announced his engagement to Jess Clarke last month. Since Amanda is super close to his ex-fiancée and Bachelor season 20 winner, Lauren Bushnell, fans may be surprised to learn that she’s still friendly with the former Bachelor.

“He’s always been super sweet to me and kind. When I was going through a breakup or when my book came out or my clothing line launched, he always, like, texts me and says congratulations or wishes me a happy birthday,” she explains. “So we’ve stayed in touch a little bit. He’s so sweet. And I love Jess. I’ve met her once at Ashley [Iaconetti] and Jared [Haibon]’s wedding.

Amanda Stanton Reveals Which Bachelor Exes Shes Still in Touch With
Amanda Stanton Broadimage/Shutterstock

The Lani the Label designer is also friendly with Nick Viall, who she went on a date with on season 3 of Bachelor in Paradise.

“Whenever I’m dating someone or, like, anytime that I have questions about a guy, I’m like, ‘Hey, what’s going through this person’s head or I need advice on how to handle a situation,’” Amanda tells Us. “He’s always the person that I call because he gives really good advice and he’s really honest, he doesn’t ever really tell me what I want to hear. But he’s just always giving me the best advice.”

During the finale of BiP season 3, Amanda got engaged to Josh Murray. Their engagement, however, only lasted six months. While the Now Accepting Roses author is no longer in touch with Josh, she reveals to Us that her eldest daughter, Kinsley, asked about him after their split.

“Kinsley was 3 or 4, I think when we were together, so she kind of understood what was going on a little bit more,” she says. “And she asked about him for maybe a couple months after, [but] she never asks about him anymore. And Charlie was just a baby. I don’t even think she really understood the whole breakup and everything.”

While Amanda returned to Mexico to film Bachelor in Paradise season 4 in 2017, her fling with Robby Hayes on the show didn’t last. Robby has gone on to appear on MTV’s Siesta Key, but Amanda hasn’t tuned in.

“I’ve heard [about it] because my hairstylist watches and so she was like, ‘Oh my God.’ She was telling me all about it,” she quips. “I don’t really watch much TV in general. … Maybe I’ll have to watch it.”

For more from Amanda — including her best (and worst) Bachelor date — listen to Us Weekly’s “Here for the Right Reasons” podcast, which releases new episodes every Tuesday.


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